Goal Getter: Navigating Your Financial Future with Confidence

At Oxford Bank, we want to empower young adults with the knowledge and tools needed to confidently navigate your financial future! In our Goal Getter journey, we'll help you envision and plan for the life you want, from setting SMART financial goals and building good credit to making informed financial decisions that help pave the way for your future dreams.

Saving Strategies

Explore advanced saving strategies that will supercharge your ability to achieve your financial goals. learn how to create a saving plan that aligns with your dreams and aspirations.

What are SMART Financial Goals? from GreenPath Financial Wellness on Vimeo.


Building Credit

Building good credit is a key step toward lifelong financial success. We'll guide you through the world of credit scores, responsible borrowing, and how to establish and maintain healthy credit.

Credit Utilization Impact on Your Credit Score from GreenPath Financial Wellness on Vimeo.

Investment Basics

Discover the power of investing and how it can help you grow your wealth over time. From stocks and bonds to diversified portfolios, we'll introduce you to the fundamentals of investing.


Get familiar with the world of taxes, from understanding your tax liability to exploring deductions and credits that can put more money back in your pocket.

Role of a Bank

Learn how Oxford Bank can help support your ongoing financial journey. We'll cover a range of services and products that can help you reach your financial milestones, from savings accounts to investment opportunities and financial advice.